
­That Wacky Mahdi

Osama bin Laden is sitting in a cave, taping a speech.

Osama bin Laden: Cursed be his name, the Satan Bush re-stole the American-pig election somehow, despite my endorsement of the heroic John Kerry. Bile, which is the fluid found in spleens as I believe, will flood the gutters of the Great Satan, by which I mean America this time, not Bush, who is also Satan, but not “Great.”

Michael Moore: Ancut. Oh, Osama! That wuz fuckin inspyerd! Now duh worl’ll hate shitty supposably “grate” America evin moore, if such a thing wuz possable, which it fucken aint. Almose as much as me an you, if such a thing was fuckun posaball, but itz not, cuz [to the camera] Americuz a dick, an [wagging a finger] you shood hate it to. Im Michael Moore, an this messudj has bin browt too u bi MoveOn Dot Org.

George Clooney: And…cut. Okay, Mike, that was great. You too, OBL.

Osama: Thank you, George. [to Susan Estridge] Susan, get me an Evian.

Estridge: Yes sir, sure thing Mr. bin Laden, sir. Would you like one too, Mr. Clooney? Mr. Soros? Heh heh.

They shake their heads.

Moore: Git me a Jolt.

Estridge scurries off.

Hillary Clinton: What a honking toad. [to Osama] I’d like you to rework some of that middle bit – this needs to translate. My opinion, speaking as a powerful orator, is that it wasn’t purple enough – flowery is powerful. Flowerful … write that down, Wolf. And more screeching. It’s about the hatred.

Osama: So when I say, about when the monkey Bush stole Florida, maybe I could say that Orlando will drown in hurricanes of virgin blood from hell where Iblis devours the entrails of infidels and

Moore: Thatz fuckon awesum, butt du we got duh bujit fer duh FX?

Hillary: I’m liberal elite darling Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Clooney: I’m leftist Hollywood prettyboy powerhouse George Clooney... or maybe Oliver Stone.

George Soros: I’m socialist billionaire George Sorosor maybe Harold Ickies.

Osama: I am Osama bin Laden

Estridge returns, holding an Evian bottle.

Moore: [shaking his head] Yeah, wut wuz i fuccun thincken. its jus im i hayte Ammarruca sow mutch ... duh thawt uv fuken Bush an thoez fuckan Crischun bigutz

Estridge: Yeah.

Hillary: Ugh. His excruciating personality.

Osama: Ugh. Anyone but Bush.

Hillary: Doesn’t that moron get it? War is not the answer.

Soros: That is so true. War is not the answer.

Moore: Thas rite. Warr aint duh ansar.

Estridge: Yeah. Heh heh. War’s not the answer – that’s what we’re saying, right?

Osama: That is correct. Terrorism is the answer.

They all stand in doleful silence as a clock ticks loudly, both nodding and shaking their heads in agreement.

Moore: wee wuz wureed ubowt u, Osama, we dint heer nuthen fer soe lawng—

Estridge: Yeah. Heh heh.

Hillary: We don’t want to lose you, Osama. You’re terrific. You’re the model of what we intelligent progressives love to tolerate. Nobody thinks locally and acts globally like you do.

Moore: Yeah, Osama. Fukc! Haoo kan u b sow fucqen, pashunutlie, fuccune pashawnit?

Estridge: Yeah!

Soros: Yes, tell us, do!

Osama: How? Well, listen up, gang, and I will tell you…

To the tune of “I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General.” They stomp feet, slap knees, and play spoons, whiskey jug and wash board; during the bridge Moore and Estridge alternate singing “fuck” and “yeah/heh.”


I am the very model of a cruel medieval cleric, all
The imams are astounded at my aptitude barbarical;
My penchant for the bellicose – a savage wrath and atrocious –
It’s passion quite precocious: I am frightfully ferocious.




A Western Coalition fuckin’ checked Saddam’s ambition
And Crusaders and their superstition stayed without permission.
This unbearable condition, infidels so unsubmissional?—
Abominal pollution, not to mention impositional!




Abominal pollution, not to mention imposition!
And only one solution: not to offer opposition,
But to flee his retribution when he gave his admonition!

fuck-yeah-fuck-yeah, etc.





It’s a sacred supposition and it bears the repetition.
There’s a need for both sedition and unceasing demolition.
And in short in matters injudicious …
… horrifyingly malicious,
Surreptitiously pernicious …
… I’m the man who’s most vicious


In short in matters injudicious, horrifyingly malicious,
Surreptitiously pernicious, he’s the man who’s most vicious






I’m biased and a shameless liar but a Lefty so I’m right!
It may be true we’re blind to truth but that bin Laden’s out-of-sight!
Osama is my hero, fuck, he’s such a fuckin’ Minuteman!
And if you rubes don’t think it’s so, just wait until I spin it, man!



Osama :



So let’s tell lies about this war of Bush, who knew …
He knew ...
It's true.
’Cause I agree with Michael Moore; and I detest the
U.S. too!
America’s so fuckin’ shitty that I want to fuckin’ puke -
I think it’s just a fuckin’ pity that Osama’s got no nuke.




George Bush has left this shitty country in a disunited state,
And though we’d rather this land stick it, here’s the thing to make it great:
Just vote the Hillary-Osama ticket in Two Thousand Eight!

fuck-yeah-fuck-yeah, etc.






A billion for MoveOn dot Org I’ll spend to get a full relief;
I couldn’t buy it for Al Gore - I’ll blow my wad for a Caliph!
We’ll tolerate agreement! …
… You object? …
… Fermais la buche!
We pinkos are quite veh’ment: we’ll take anyone but Bush.


And though we loathe this shitty land we’ve just the thing to make it great:
We’ll vote Osama! – he’s the man we want in Two Thousand and Eight!






He hastens with celerity and speaks it with all verity:
He means with fuckin’ clarity to practice his barbarity.
Compassion or its parity? – he’s unfamiliarity;
I seared my heart of charity – it was an albatrossity





With Allah’s generosity, my pure religiosity
With terminal velocity conceived a grim curiosity;
With virtuous monstrosity his Wahabic ferocity
Revealed its animosity: a Twin Towers atrocity!




Revealed its animosity: a Twin Towers atrocity!
To state with stern loquacity his Islamist philosophy
He planned with grave audacity a
Twin Towers atrocity!

fuck-yeah-fuck-yeah, etc.


Now when I bring destruction (mass), and death, and hell - oh, when I’m done
With dirty nukes and sarin gas you won’t remember Nine One One.
In short I hate – it’s plainly true – the Christian most, and more the Jew;
I hate George Bush and Cheney too, but not as much as I hate you


In short he hates – it’s plainly true – the Christian most, and more the Jew;
He hates George Bush and Cheney too, but not as much as he hates you.

And though we loathe this shitty land we’ve just the thing to make it great -
We’ll vote Osama! - he’s the man we want in Two Thousand and Eight!

His penchant for the bellicose is frightfully barbaric,
And in short he is the model of a cruel medieval cleric.



At 05:02, Anonymous Anonymous said...

... BWHAHAHAHHAA... that was awesome!....



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